Sunday, July 31, 2011

Part of a show stored, as heard on 25/02/11. You are free to announce this program more than 25 minutes. Talk Show Host - CARL Gallup / / special guests / /: Dr. Jerome Corsi, Jerome Corsi is a senior journalist Mr. World Net Daily, where he worked as an investigative journalist. Swift Boat Veterans Make your voice heard against John Kerry in 2004, Mr. Corsi, the number 1 New York Times bestseller, unfit for command, co-author. The success of Unfit for CommandDr. Corsi has promised to devote himself full time to writing. In the last 5 years, published five New York Times best-selling fiction. In August 2008, published Obama Nation: leftist politics and the cult of personality, the number one New York Times bestseller list for months and was on the bestseller list for The New York Times 10 weeks. His latest book of fiction, the United States for sale: The fight against the survivors of the New World Order, a world depression and the maintenance of the sovereignty of the United States made its debut atNew York Times bestseller list in the November 1, 2009. For nearly 25 years, since 1981, Dr. Corsi worked with banks for the development of the United States and worldwide marketing services holding company banks in the creation of broker / dealers and insurance subsidiaries to support products and financial planning services to its retail customers. It 'a frequent guest on national radio and repeated television appearances on Fox News, MSNBC, CNN Newsand Fox ...